Friday, January 26, 2007

the long walk against faschism

the long walk against fascism

200.000 people. Occasional loud protests. Peaceful and determined. A historical walk against fascism.
As we walked, I thought about the Armenians walking through the roads of Anatolia, their children, their beloved thorn away from them.
As we walked I felt that our walk was a symbolic gesture at re-enacting their walk and experience of agony and desperation.
My nanny Maryam had to walk out of Şebinkarahisar leaving her father's family behind. She also lost her daughter on the way. In 1942 my father found her in Samatya and took her home to look after me. I remember her telling me about the fruit gardens, about the church, and about the village life in Şebinkarahisar. Her father was a priest. In the 1950s a letter from her daughter revealed that she was first taken to Greece and then was deported to Armenia. One night MIT (National Intelligence Organization) members came to our apartment on Şakayık Street, Teşvikiye and interrogated us regarding the source of the letter. For the first time I experienced the despotism of the State! Maryam's daughter was inviting her mother to Armenia. She was old and fragile and afraid to move out of our house and it was almost impossible to travel to SSCB. We were her family. Early 1970s she died in Yedikule Hospital. The last time I visited her, she did not recognise me! She is always in my dreams.

Monday, January 22, 2007

bizden ayrılmayın, yeni bir suikastle geleceğiz...stay with us, we will come with a new assasination

yaşamımda 1960'dan bu yana sayısız aydın, iyi, akıllı ve mutlu arkadaşımız öldürüldü.
bedrettin cömert, onat kutlar...
bu iş bitmeyecek!
bu ölümler hep çok şaşırtıcıdır; insanı sersemletir, bir kaç gün felç eder...
sonra yine alışırız.

istanbul'da 35 ermeni kilisesi var.
türkiye'de vakıflara kayıtlı 161 dini mekan var.
sayısını bilmediğimiz harabeler de var...
bu kiliselerin ve dini mekanların cemaatleri nerede?

since 1960 so many friends were killed, they were gentle, intelligent and talented...
this will never end!
these deaths are always schocking, paralising but at the end one gets used to it.

there are 35 armenian churches in istanbul
there are 161 registered religious buildings in turkey.
there are numerous ruins of religious spaces all over anatolia
where are the communities of these buildings?

kars kilisesi

sanat sokağa inince bir şey fark ediyor mu? özellikle sanatçılar için?

19 ocak 2007 Birgün'de Radikal Sanat üstüne ilginç bir yazı

Sermayenin çıkarları tarafından şekillenen kentin kamusal alanları son dönemde bir reklam şirketinin nokta atışlarıyla yeni yaralar alıyor. Otobüs duraklarının düzenlemeleri ile yola çıkan "Wall Şehir Dizaynı" firması ayaklı reklam tabelaları ile kamusal alan olan cadde ve sokaklarımızı ticari kaygıları ile görsel yağmaya maruz bırakılıyor. Gürültü ve çevre kirliliğini önleyici yasalar maalesef bu ve benzeri şirketlerin görüntü kirliliği yaratması karşısında bir yaptırıma sahip değil. Işıklı reklam tabelalarında harcanan elektrik enerjisinin israfı da cabası...